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piano tuning

How to Tune a Piano

The piano is a very delicate instrument that requires tuning at least yearly and, if possible, even three times a year. It can be quite challenging to tune on your own so we recommend hiring someone to tune it instead which will set you back at least $100, but save...
Featured image of Orchestra Central's what are piano keys made of

What Are Piano Keys Made Of?

What are piano keys made of? Well, the answer to this question is surprisingly not what you might think. The material that pianos are traditionally made out of was wood, but now most people make them out of plastic or metal. While the answer may come as...
Parts of a piano featured image from Orchestra Central

Piano Parts: What Are the Different Parts of a Piano?

Everybody is familiar with a piano's sweet, round, and rich sound. But did you know this percussion instrument consists of multiple components? For instance, a piano has over 250 strings, while a guitar only has 6. In this article, you'll discover the anatomy of a piano, including...
Orchestra Central